A Primitive Baptist Perspective on Galatians

Joshua Winslett has released a new study aid for the book of Galatians, the product of an exposition he conducted of the book in 2019. Information about this resource is found in our book store. As with all titles on Marchtozion.com, orders for books are handled through Lulu. More information: click here.

Can Christians raise the dead?

The Bible examples some occasions where men were used as instruments to raise the dead. Recently, the question has been discussed of whether or not Christians today can also raise the dead. There was even a church recently in California who made national news through a failed attempt to resurrect a child. No Christian questions…

Thou Wilt Not Leave My Soul In Hell

Q. What does the Bible mean when it says that God would not leave Christ’s soul in Hell? That is a great and interesting question. The passage under consideration is Psalm 16:10, a passage which the apostle Peter quotes in Acts 2. Peter’s commentary on the verse is, “He seeing this before spake of the…

Who Is God?

Who is God? Ben Winslett gives a short answer to that infinitely complex question.

Two Tombs, One Empty

It’s a great irony that archaeologists have discovered the remains of Caiaphas son of Joseph, the high priest who ruled at the time of Christ’s ministry, the man who personally oversaw the first of three mock trials of Jesus, effectively orchestrating all that followed. Why? Because there’s another tomb in Jerusalem that has no remains….


(This was originally published as an audio podcast in the Handfuls of Purpose Podcast at the Dallas Primitive Baptist Church website) Did you know that the Old Testament is full of memorials?  In Exodus 3, when God called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, Moses wanted to know who he should…

Tears In A Bottle

“Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?” (Psalm 56:8) This world is full of a lot of pain and suffering that leads us to shed tears from time to time. Our American masculinized culture looks down on those who shed tears, stigmatizing those who do…

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

(This was originally published as an audio podcast in the Handfuls of Purpose Podcast at the Dallas Primitive Baptist Church website) Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. There sure are a lot of things competing for our attention today. …

Is Empathy a Sin?

It’s rare that I emphasize one radio program on the home page of our website, but I would like do just that with this weekend’s edition of Words of Grace. This broadcast spoke to an issue presently being debated or discussed among conservative evangelicalism, particular those of Calvinistic backgrounds. In short, empathy has been equated…