Words of Grace is the radio ministry of Benjamin Winslett, pastor of Flint River Primitive Baptist Church near Huntsville Alabama.

Blessed Are The Merciful – Radio Broadcasts – Flint River Primitive Baptist Church
Join us for this episode of Words of Grace as we continue exploring the Sermon on the Mount. Today’s message, Blessed Are the Merciful, delves into the meaning of mercy, its opposite, and its ultimate expression in Christ. We’ll examine biblical examples of mercy, the call for believers to reflect God’s compassion, and the promise … Continue reading "Blessed Are The Merciful"
Coverage information:
Huntsville Alabama – Sundays at 8:30 a.m. on 101.3 FM and 1140 AM WBXR
Birmingham (most of North) Alabama – Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. on 101.1 FM and 850 AM WXJC
Tupelo Mississippi – Sundays at 5:30 p.m. on 105.7 FM and 940 AM WCPC
Augusta Georgia – Sundays at 3:30 p.m. on 1050 AM and 98.9 FM WFAM
Chattanooga Tennessee – Fridays at 8:00 p.m. on 103.3 FM and 1450 AM WLMR
Worldwide, via the GraceAlone Radio Network
Dear Elder Winslett,
I am Susan Mizell, and my husband, Ronnie, and I are members of Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church in New Orleans LA. Our pastor is Elder Joe Meyers.
As encouragement for you, I wanted you to know that your sermons on Grace Alone Radio have greatly impacted us. Our God is blessing you, and I am delighted and amazed by the miracle of preaching.
We pray for God’s ministers specifically that He will continue to protect you from Satan and his devious mischief. I know he targets the ministry.
Thank you for your obvious study of God’s Word, and the clear delivery.
We pray for your precious wife and children too.
In Christian Love,
Susan Mizell