Editors Note: Elder Walter Cash was a man of his time. In this article he defines the office of a Deacon from the biblical perspective. For brevity’s sake, contained in this article is text of the first three paragraphs. >>>DOWNLOAD PDF OF ARTICLE HERE<<<< THE DEACONSHIP, by Walter Cash No authority questions it being apostolic…
Implications of the Greek Term Psallo for Church Music
By David Pyles Though musical instruments are never mentioned in the Bible as being part of New Testament worship, many justify their use in the modern church by saying they are implicitly authorized by a Greek word used in connection with singing in the New Testament. We believe this argument is invalid, and we undertake…
The Church: Christ’s Bride or Cultural Icon?
By Mike Ivey Part IA Crises of Relevance “Because iniquity shall abound,the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12 Marginal Christianity We live in an age in which for many American Christians, church has become a devalued, marginal institution. Increasingly, church goers have embraced the humanistic social values and philosophies that predominate American culture….
Why should I go to Church?
By Marty Hoskins Introduction Have you ever been hurt buy someone in the church that you thought was your friend? Have you ever felt isolated due the cliques and circles in a local church? Have you ever wondered how people that profess to believe in the love of God can act so unloving? Have you…
Strifes of Words and Hobby Horses
By Sylvester Hassell The Gospel Messenger–January 1894 In THE GOSPEL MESSENGER Of January, 1884, Eld. W. M. Mitchell truthfully and excellently wrote: “In various parts of the United States a factions spirit has for years been manifesting itself among brethren, and while there may be in some instances a real difference in some cardinal principle…
Is a formal Bible study an ‘addition’ to the church? If it is wrong, what makes it so?
By Joshua Winslett Revised 5-23-13 The term “bible study” can be very nebulous. Like any term or phrase in the English language, there can be many definitions associated with the phrase. By “formal Bible study” I take that to mean a question and answer session during a typical organized worship service. In many places in scripture we can find…
Reclaiming the Community of the Church
By Mike Ivey Editor’s note: We live in a culture that is lacking community. This lack of community in America has bled over into churches and has created the mentality of Sunday club Christianity instead of a community of believers. We now prefer the impersonal outlets of social media over personal daily ministry and fellowship with…
Why Do Primitive Baptists Rebaptize?
By Mike Ivey “One Lord, one faith, one baptism” -Ephesians 4:5 Occasionally someone asks why Primitive Baptist rebaptize people who come to us from other faiths. This is a valid question that deserves to be answered with a clear explanation. A simple answer is: God’s word indicates rebaptism was practiced by the early church. Paul…
Characteristics of a Thriving Church
By Benjamin Winslett The past 100 years have not been kind to the Primitive Baptists in regards to total membership and number of churches. Rather than growing, or even holding our own, churches have often declined in number, some even to death, and the average age of those in our congregations has steadily increased leaving…