By Steve Stathelson
In the songbook “The Good Old Songs,” there is a song titled “I Am A Great Complainer.” I’ve never sang it, but when I see it I’m reminded of myself. I spend a great deal of time complaining. But, I have found that when I spend less time complaining and more time praying, I have a lot less to complain about.
I confess with shame, that sometimes I forget to pray and I remember the song “Oh what peace we often forfiet, O what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer.”
“Men ought always to pray and faint not,” Luke 18:1. We should always remember to pray to God and thank Him for our blessings, praise Him for for His goodness, pray for others and ask Him for the things we stand in need of. And, in time of trouble, rather than prayer being the last thing we do, it should be the first thing we do.
The scripture tells us to “pray without ceasing,” Thes 5:17. I know we should always have a prayerful heart and look to Christ continually. But, we also need to pause and with full attention give ourselves to prayer. “Pray without ceasing” means to not quit praying; pray everyday several times no matter what. Even as Daniel who “kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed,” Daniel 6:10.