Excerpt: I compiled the content for these outline notes during studying through and then preaching through the Articles of Faith of Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church. Our church’s Articles of Faith reflect the core tenets of the Primitive Baptists’ beliefs – “the things which are most surely believed among us.” My original intent in grouping the information in outline form was to provide robust scriptural evidences and quick reference for all of the major points of doctrine that are addressed in our Articles of Faith. When we are questioned by others about what we believe in the Primitive Baptist Church, they need to know that it’s not our own opinions, but we believe these truths based on the consistent teaching and rightly dividing of the scriptures as our only rule of faith and practice. I hope this work can provide the reader with quick verse references to support each of these doctrinal points that we believe as we attempt to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints”.
This We Believe – Explanatory Notes on Primitive Baptist Articles of Faith
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