Identity Crisis

Sometimes churches of various denominations have an identity crisis of sorts. You see this in America today, as many Baptist congregations want to drop the word Baptist from their name, but retain the identity as a baptistic congregation. The thought is the name is unpopular, so growth can be achieved by changing the name on…

Stuck in the Middle with You

When both sides call you names, you might be on solid ground. What do I mean by that? Well, here are some examples. Example 1: To an absoluter, anyone less than an absoluter is a deist. To a deist, everyone more than a deist is an absoluter. If one person is called a deist by…

In Every Thing Give Thanks

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thess. 5:18) It seems each year as we arrive in late November approaching the Thanksgiving holiday, I am convicted of how much I have taken for granted and not given appropriate thanksgiving for God’s blessings in my life….

Echo Chambers

Short note… Proverbs 11:14 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

Do Pastors have Authority?

I saw a good question in a Facebook group pertaining to pastoral authority. Specifically, one was asking how much authority a pastor has within a congregation. While no one answered with the dictatorial model, some did indicate the pastor has no authority. Some said only God has authority. Some answered claiming the pastor has authority…

Biblical Languages: Is It Proper To Make Use Of Them?

By Robert Adam  That may seem like an odd question. It certainly does to me. When I began preaching in July of  2008, I never would have thought to consider such a question. After all, I knew well then that the Bible  was not originally written in English. In fact, English didn’t exist in any…

The Grace of Faith

Christ In You, the Hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27) Elder Marty Hoskins Faith is a broad and multifaceted subject in the Holy Word of God.  There is probably no Christian doctrine more widely discussed and written about than the topic of faith.  Furthermore, there is probably no doctrine that creates more controversy and confusion that…