Three Dangers to the Human Race

By Sylvester Hassell The Gospel Messenger–April 1919 The first of these dangers that I will mention is German Infidelity, which has for more than a hundred years done its utmost to destroy the Bible, and during the last four years, to conquer or destroy nearly all mankind. As Rationalism, or so-called, but miscalled, “Higher Criticism,”…

Extra Terrestrials

By Vaughn Winslett There seems to be a common belief in the world of science, falsely so called, and among men in the world, that there is life on other planets and in other places, than what is in this world. We know of a certainty that God is, has always been, and will always…

Creation versus Evolution

By Vince Hardy The Holy Scriptures plainly declare that God is the Creator of heaven, and earth, and all things therein (Eccl. 12:1; Isa. 40:28, 45:12, 48:13, Neh. 9:6; Rom 1:25; 1 Pet. 4:19; Col. 1:16; Acts 4:24, 14:15, 17:24).  Nevertheless, with the flood of scientific and technological advances in the world today, it is…

A summary of why Primitive Baptists do not use instruments in church.

By todays religious standards, the Primitive Baptists are quite unique. Probably one of the most quickly noticed differences among the Primitive Baptists in comparison to the religious world today, is the fact that we have no man made instrumentation in our worship services. At first glance, one unfamiliar with the church might think that it…

Jesus said, “Come and See”

By Bufrey Dean Most all of us really like first hand experiences. We have to check things out for ourselves. While others can tell us about it, we want to see it ourselves. What about when we experience something exciting: We want to tell others about it.Take for instance movies. We like to ask others,…

The Old Way Of Christ Is The Best

The Gospel Messenger-March 1919 By Elder J. H. Oliphant We are called “Old Baptists,” “Primitive Baptists,” because we seek to maintain the doctrine and practice of our people. I have seriously sought to teach our people this way. I have observed a progressive spirit rising up among us, from time to time, urging that we…

What Primitive Baptists Believe – Lee Hanks

By Lee Hanks WE BELIEVE the Primitive Baptists to be the church of God in origin, faith and practice. No other organization on earth can trace its identity to Jesus Christ as the founder. We can give the names of men who founded the other organizations. All others are too young founded by the wrong party…


Reproduced from The Writings of S.A. Paine by Banner of Love Press. Unity in the house of God is one of the most adorning graces with which she can possibly be clothed. With this powerful virtue abounding, she towers in glory above every earthly pinnacle; emits her full light in brilliant rays as a warmth…

His Banner of Love

By Vaughn Winslett Song of Solomon chapter 2 vs 4, “He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love.” As blessed as we are by the grace of God, being enabled to see Jesus Christ we should be overwhelmed by God’s love for His own. Scripture through the Holy Spirit,…