Why We Do What We Do

Elder Matt Jordan From Rocky Mount Newsletter, January 2014. In recent years, our congregation has experienced a renewed desire to reach out in many different ways to the community around us. As their pastor, I say this, not boasting, but in grateful humility. It is indeed a great privilege to try to serve a body…

Biblical Reasons for Closed Communion

By Chase Harrison Introduction It is my purpose and intent in this article to provide Biblical reasoning and logic for why Primitive Baptists believe in and observe “closed communion” in their church practice. As any Bible-believing Christian should, we seek to be as in line with the scriptures as we possibly can, both in doctrine…

What Type of Church Member?

By Philip Conley “This hilarious satire describes the different types of members that can possibly exist on your church roll. Though hilarious, it is sobering to consider in which category we may fall. If nothing else, I’m sure you will get a good laugh.” -Editor’s Note Article from the March 16, 2014 daily devotion, Morning Thoughts. Recently,…

Bible Studies in the New Testament Church

By Marty Smith The design of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, as set forth in the New Testament scriptures, is flawless. Those scriptures completely furnish disciples in every age and every culture to worship their Savior in a manner pleasing to Him and edifying to them, and no human innovation is required or…

The Roles of Church Members, Deacons, and Preachers

By Benjamin Winslett Yesterday I posted a status to my facebook page sharing an observation I have made in recent years. Attempts to run the church as a business always end terribly. “Attempts to run the church as a business always end terribly.” I have thought along those lines for a couple of days and…

Romans 8:28 – A Comprehensive Study

By Benjamin Winslett Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose. Introduction In Romans chapter 8, we find the Apostle Paul making an interesting statement in the 28th verse. As with any other scripture, we find various…

Let Us Reason Together

Lonnie Mozingo, Jr One of the hallmarks of the Bible is the harmony of its teachings.  Each individual doctrine harmonizes with the other and is consistent with the whole of scripture. This is reflected in the doctrines of grace.  For example, the doctrine of election (The Father chose a definite number to save in heaven)…

The Literal Interpretation Of Scripture

By Sylvester Hassell The Gospel Messenger–February 1893 It seems to me that there is among Primitive Baptists an urgent need of a recurrence to the true principles of Scripture interpretation. The greatest dangers to the Church of Christ have always been those from within, and not those from without. Our enemies cannot really hurt us…

Prayer Meetings and Bible Discussions

By Walter Cash, 1927 An answer to a sister who asked about our churches having prayer meetings and Bible discussions: The Baptists, in the early days of this country, had prayer meetings, but of late they have been discontinued with few exceptions. It would be better if they were kept up. There are so few…