Welsh Baptist Statement of Faith from 1655. 1st. We believe and profess, that there is only one true God, who is our God, who is eternal, almighty, unchangeable, infinite, and incomprehensible; who is a Spirit, having His being in Himself, and giveth being to all creatures; He doth what He will, in heaven and earth;…
Month: January 2020
Ketocton Association Articles Of Faith (1766)
A Summary of the leading Principles holden by this Association. ALTHOUGH this association has a small system, wherein their religious sentiments are expressed; yet as many into whose hands this concise history may fall, may possibly never have read the Baptist Confession of Faith, it has been deemed necessary to insert here a few of…
The Fulton Confession of 1900
Editors Note:The Fulton Confession of faith is essentially the 1689 London Confession of Faith with an added preface, footnotes for each article expressing the understanding of the ministry (of 1900) and an appendix. For brevity’s sake, contained in this article is the text of the appendix, which served as additional commentary on the document. To…
Donaldson Peace Meeting (1953)
A NATIONAL PEACE MEETING OF THE PRIMITIVE BAPTISTS HELD AT HARMONY CHURCH, DONALDSON, ARKANSAS JULY 13, 14, 15, 1953 Recognizing the plight of our people: Living in much trouble, confusion, strife, and turmoil: a general call for a General Peace Meeting was given in The Primitive Baptist for such a meeting, whereby, we, as a…
Black Rock Address (1832)
MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND RESOLUTIONS DRAFTED BY THE PARTICULAR BAPTISTS, CONVENED AT BLACK ROCK, MARYLAND, SEPTEMBER 28,1832 A meeting of Particular Baptists of the Old School convened agreeable to a previous appointment at the Black Rock meeting house, Baltimore, Maryland, on Friday, 28th September, 1832. The introductory sermon was preached by Elder Samuel Trott,…
“Absoluters” Excommunicated in 1652
The following excerpt comes from the minutes of a Baptist Church in Huntingdomshire England in the year 1652. It records the exclusion of two church members for five reasons. The fourth reason informs that these people ascribed to a view modern Primitive Baptists would call the “Absolute Predestination of All Things,” or “Absolutism” in short….
What Do Primitive Baptists Believe?
By Elder Lasserre Bradley, Jr. 1. What is the basic difference between Primitive Baptists and other religious societies? Answer: The basic difference is that Primitive Baptists believe in salvation by grace. There are really only two positions that a person can occupy on this matter. One is that salvation is by grace, and the other…
Questions and Answers by Hassell, Pittman
The answers given to the questions appearing in this book are mainly the work of that Authoritative Historian, Scholar and Editor: Elder Sylvester Hassell Copied from the “Gospel Messenger” and from the “Advocate and Messenger” Compiled by R.H. Pittman Dedication To my friends everywhere – my kindred in Christ – Lovers of God’s Eternal Truth…
Questions & Answers about Primitive Baptists
By Elder Tim McCool Pastor, Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church 12994 Boyd Road, Echola, Alabama (205) 364-1396 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. – Isa. 55:1 Q1: What is the basic…