By David Wise
We would like to release a comprehensive book and study guide regarding the doctrine and practice of the Primitive Baptist Church, entitled “What Is A Primitive Baptist?” If you follow the links below, you can purchase a book, download a free PDF study guide of this content, and you may also listen to 20 minute sermons teaching each lesson. We hope this will be a profitable aid in your study of God’s word and in explaining to others the doctrine and practice of the Primitive Baptist Church. May God bless this work to the edification of the body of Christ!
We are very commonly asked by others “What Is A Primitive Baptist?” Well, my short answer to that question is usually something like this: We as Primitive Baptists believe that Jesus finished the work of eternal salvation on the cross apart from any action or work of man, and we are saved to heaven by Jesus Christ’s blood and by God’s sovereign grace alone. We worship in a simple manner in accordance with the New Testament scriptures; we sing, we preach, we pray, and we fellowship. We hope you will come and worship with us as well.
Actually, there are many distinctives of the Primitive Baptist Church that separate us from the general marketplace in Christianity. In this book and corresponding sermons below, we consider in-depth the identifying marks of the Primitive (Original) Baptist Church from the scriptures.
Click here to purchase a book copy of What Is A Primitive Baptist? ($15)
Click here to download a free PDF study guide copy of What Is A Primitive Baptist?
Click on each sermon link below to listen to message in another window.
What Is A Primitive Baptist? Introduction
Divine Inspiration and Preservation of the Scriptures
Superiority of the King James Bible
Foreknowledge, Election, and Predestination
Christ’s Second Coming, Resurrection, and Glorification
Rightly Dividing Salvation in Scripture
Rightly Dividing All Inclusive Terms in Scripture
Rightly Dividing Justification in Scripture
Rightly Dividing the Kingdom of God in Scripture
Church Practice and Ordinances
Church Government and Functioning