The Last Words of David

This past weekend, we concluded our series on the life of King David, considering a passage of scripture which refers to itself as his last words. Though the meaning of that label is debated, – either as his last words under inspiration or his actual final words spoken – the message of these words is…

The Blessing of Mephibosheth

Of the many stories in David’s life that foreshadowed an aspect of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the blessing of Mephibosheth ranks at the top of the list. Seeking to honor the memory of his dear friend Jonathan, David performs an unprecedented act of kindness upon Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s remaining heir, a disabled man. In…

Vengeance Is The Lord’s

Lately on Words of Grace, we’ve been considering stories from the life of King David. One thing I love about the Bible is its candid depiction of the lives of our heroes, sharing their victories and their failures. David is no exception to this rule, and so we learn of things such as his triumph…