Sin Against The Holy Ghost

By C.H. Cayce

November 28, 1905

Brother C. H. Nicholas, of Arkansas, has requested us to give our views on “sinning against the Holy Ghost.” A great deal has been written on this subject. Our father, Elder S. F. Cayce, wrote some editorials on the subject, which appeared in our columns some time ago, and so we do not feel like writing much now on that line. We know, too, that there is some difference of opinion among the brethren as to who it is that sins against the Holy Ghost. Some brethren have argued that the child of God is in possession of the Holy Spirit, and that, therefore, the child of God, only, can sin against the Holy Ghost; that the unregenerate (or those who are finally lost) are not in possession of the Holy Spirit, and therefore cannot sin against the Holy Ghost. We do not think this position is correct. We might give more than one reason why we do not think so. We do not think it is correct because all the sins of all God’s people were laid on Christ, and He bore their sins in His own body on the tree and put them away by the sacrifice of Himself. See Isa 53; 1Pe 2:24, and Heb 9:26. Hence every sin they commit was laid on Christ, and He bore every one of them; so their sins are all against the Son, or the second person in the Trinity, and shall all be forgiven, on account of what He has done for them.

Again, there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. A mediator is one who interposes between parties who are at variance in order to reconcile them. Christ, the second person in the Trinity, interposed or came in between His people and the Father to reconcile them. He stands between them and the Father. Hence, as He interposed or came in between them, and stands between them as a mediator, all their sins fall to His account, and are not against the Holy Ghost.

Again, the Saviour said, in Mr 3:29, “But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.” Not one of those people whose iniquities were laid on Christ is in danger of eternal damnation because He put their sins away and their sins are all forgiven because of what He has done for them. Every sin not atoned for by the blood of Christ is directly against the Holy Ghost, it not being charged to the account of Christ, and the person who commits the sin is in danger of receiving the just punishment for his sins, which is eternal damnation, or everlasting banishment from the peaceful presence of God.

The foregoing are some of our thoughts on the subject. We do not write them to call forth controversy. Neither do we give them as infallible. We realize our weakness and know very well our liability to do wrong. We have given these few thoughts for no other reason than that the brother asked for our views. May the Lord bless the same to the benefit of our readers.

We desire here to ask all to write on the things that may be a comfort and benefit and instruction to the dear children of God, and for the advancement and upbuilding of the cause, and the unifying of the brotherhood on the principles of the gospel, that there may be a oneness in the faith; and let us not strive about words to no profit. Let us all strive to “keep unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” by writing and talking on those things that make for peace, and that will have a tendency to bring the Lord’s people together in love and fellowship. Preaching the gospel will not have a tendency to divide them and destroy their fellowship. It is the preaching of something else, beside the gospel that does that.

May the Lord help us all to write and speak such things as will be for the benefit and comfort of His people. Brethren and sisters, pray for us.

C. H. C.

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