When the disciples commented on the amazing architecture of Herod’s Temple, Jesus wasn’t so impressed (Mth 24:1-2). In fact, His reply was to inform them that not one stone of that structure would be left standing after God sent His judgment on Jerusalem, a judgment that would come in the siege of General Titus in AD 70.
What’s an application of this in today’s Christian world? I supposed one would be that what impresses us might not impress Jesus. We might stand in awe at an amazing building or be enamored by a religious empire, cultivated around a cult of personality, but the things that please Christ are likely overlooked and undervalued by believers today.
From scripture, we learn that God seeks people to worship in spirit and in truth (Jn 4). We learn that men know we are followers of Christ when we love each other as He loved us (Jn 13). We glorify Him when we suffer for His cause, being faithful (1 Pet 4:16). And though we’re commanded to fast, give, or pray, we’re told to do it in secret so it is never for a show (Mth 6). We are even told that a quiet and peaceful spirit is in the sight of God, a great price (1 Pet 3:4).
My point is that the most true and deep faith rarely makes the headlines, and that’s a good thing. But the quietly devoted saint needs to take heart! Their service to God might be more “noteworthy” to Jesus than a lot of things that take place in religion today.
Originally published March 2020