From The Pulpit

Audio Sermons by Benjamin Winslett, from the pulpit of Flint River Primitive Baptist Church, located near Huntsville Alabama.

The Sovereignty of God in Choosing, Episode 4 in our Sovereign Grace Series From the Pulpit – Flint River Primitive Baptist Church

In this fourth episode of our series on the sovereignty of God in salvation, we delve into the profound topic of God’s sovereign choice of His people for salvation. Specifically, the aspect of God’s election, examining scriptures that illustrate how God, in His sovereignty, chose His elect before the foundation of the world. We also … Continue reading "The Sovereignty of God in Choosing, Episode 4 in our Sovereign Grace Series"
  1. The Sovereignty of God in Choosing, Episode 4 in our Sovereign Grace Series
  2. What Looks Like Healthy Religion
  3. What Makes You Complete?

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