The Trinity, M121 Podcast

Last year, I joined Josh Coker by phone for a recording session of his M121 podcast, speaking to biblical, Trinitarian theology. We discussed the three Persons of the Trinity and their respective roles in salvation and our lives, but also dangerous and erroneous views we ought to avoid. Of course, there’s no way to discuss…

A New Year Exhortation

Exhortation to Churches and individual Christians for the New Year: find ways in 2022 to invest in your community. Almost every community has some form of a foster aid ministry, pregnancy center, mentor groups for at-risk children, Child Advocacy Centers, nursing homes, homeless shelters, food banks, as well as many other resources that serve at-risk…

Regarding Eternal Subordination

Getting Christology right is important. We certainly do not want to be guilty of believing in “another Jesus” than the authentic Jesus Christ that scripture presents to us. The earliest wars within Christianity were fought over this notion, and more than one form of heresy attacking Christ’s identity was propagated. In recent years, the concept…

What We Miss

Over the past two weekends on Words of Grace, we have been focusing on the blessing of God’s house. Specifically, why we ought to obey God and attend worship each week but also the great blessing of experiencing His presence as we gather. Church attendance in America is at an all time low. What better…

Much People In This City

“9) Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: 10) For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.” (Acts 18:9-10) When Paul arrived in Corinth and…

Introducing Baptists to…Baptists

Our modern world is an interesting one, to say the least. I’m certain most of us are on various social media platforms. Those of us born in the 80s are an interesting microgeneration, experiencing childhood before the internet but also pioneering and championing much of what is available online today (for better or worse). We…

A Word of Comfort from John Chapter 6, Part 2

Why do some people love Jesus but others reject Him? Is there certainty in salvation? How are people drawn to Christ? Continuing the message we began last week, we come to the climax of Jesus’ public sermon in John chapter 6, with powerful and clear teaching on each of these crucial matters. As a personal…

Reconciled on the Cross

To reconcile means to “to resolve or settle a difference.” Through sin, humans are enemies and alienated from God’s presence and blessings and without reconciliation, we would have no hope in standing before God after death, certain judgment awaiting. But praise God, He sent His Son into the world to die for our sins, saving…

A Word of Comfort from John Chapter 6, Part 1

This weekend’s episode of Words of Grace featured part 1 of a message from John chapter 6 entitled A Word of Comfort. To believers in Sovereign Grace, John chapter 6 is a beloved passage. From it, we learn truths about Jesus as our source of spiritual sustenance as the Bread of Life, as well as…