His Appointed Time

From selected scriptures, Pastor Winslett speaks to the fact that the Christ not only was born into the world at an appointed time, but He died for the sins of His people at an appointed time as well.

The So-called Experts Who Aren’t

Modern Christians put a lot of stock in seminary professors. These men are often acclaimed bloggers, lecturers, authors, and occasionally, keynote speakers at conferences. Personally, I have found myself to be more and more skeptical of such. In more liberal seminaries, stories of the Bible and the authorship of scripture are questioned. But even in…

Mosaic Law Summary Reference Guide

Reading through the four primary books of the law – Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy – can be an arduous task sometimes. It can be difficult to know what the whole law says on each individual subject since there are verses on each scattered throughout all four books. I attempted to compile a verse reference…

Why Don’t We Observe Lent?

I was asked a great question earlier today that’s relevant each year at this time. Why do Baptists (and many others) traditionally not observe the Lenten season, or Lent? To be clear, Lent is a partial fast held for 40 days prior to Easter Sunday, based on Jesus’ fasting after His baptism. It is ushered…

What Is A Primitive Baptist? M121 Podcast

David Wise recently joined the M121 Podcast from HeShallSave Media to discuss “What is a Primitive Baptist?” You may listen to the episode below. For more information on What is a Primitive Baptist? you may follow these links to purchase a book, get a free PDF, and listen to applicable sermons. To purchase this book…

The Value of God’s Word

“7) The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. 8) The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. 9) The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. 10) More to be desired are they than…

The Trinity, M121 Podcast

Last year, I joined Josh Coker by phone for a recording session of his M121 podcast, speaking to biblical, Trinitarian theology. We discussed the three Persons of the Trinity and their respective roles in salvation and our lives, but also dangerous and erroneous views we ought to avoid. Of course, there’s no way to discuss…

A New Year Exhortation

Exhortation to Churches and individual Christians for the New Year: find ways in 2022 to invest in your community. Almost every community has some form of a foster aid ministry, pregnancy center, mentor groups for at-risk children, Child Advocacy Centers, nursing homes, homeless shelters, food banks, as well as many other resources that serve at-risk…

Regarding Eternal Subordination

Getting Christology right is important. We certainly do not want to be guilty of believing in “another Jesus” than the authentic Jesus Christ that scripture presents to us. The earliest wars within Christianity were fought over this notion, and more than one form of heresy attacking Christ’s identity was propagated. In recent years, the concept…