Salvation: A Summary Of The Usage Of The Word “Save” In Scripture

By Benjamin Winslett The concept of Salvation is one often over simplified and therefore misunderstood in our present day. Generally, when one reads scripture and comes across a derivative of the word “save,” the concept of spending eternity in Heaven comes to mind. While there are many occasions in the Bible where this word does…

Lebanon Is Not Sufficient To Burn

By Benjamin Winslett “And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering.” – Isaiah 40:16 In my personal studies this week, I came across the above verse, Isaiah 40:16. The verse contains some very peculiar language and could perhaps be overlooked, but as with much of the Old…

It Is Finished

When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. – John 19:30 Don’t overlook these words. What was the intent behind Jesus’ words, “it is finished,” as He hung upon the cross? These words are significant and when properly understood teach us a phenomenal truth,…

Salvation by Grace Alone

By Vaughn Winslett The scripture teaches the total depravity of man. We read in the book of Genesis of the creation, everything which God had made was good and very good. God created all things, He made man good and upright. Through the deception of Satan, in rebellion against God, Adam sinned and death passed…

It Pleased The Lord

By Vaughn Winslett Isaiah 53 verse 10 “Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He hath put Him to grief: when thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.”

Free Will

Reproduced from Primitive Baptist Faith and Practice by Elder W.S. Craig. The will, choice and desire practically mean the same thing. Men act freely in choosing that which is agreeable with their nature, love and desires; but they do not thus act freely with that which is not agreeable, for it is contrary to their…

Regeneration Versus Justification

By Michael Gowens This short writing is an excellent piece highlighting the difference in two very fundamental Bible doctrines which are often confused, Regeneration and Justification.

Eternal Life And Eternal Salvation

By Elder Sylvester Hassell The Gospel Messenger–February 1897 Because Primitive Baptists recognize that the word “saved” in scriptures always means “deliverance from harm or ruin,” we believe that many Scriptural occurrences of “saved” has reference to a temporal salvation from some danger here on Earth. Recently, it was falsely alleged that Primitive Baptists make a…

The Error of Conditionalism

The Gospel Messenger-September, 1894. A critique of free-will in eternal salvation, by Sylvester Hassell.