Framing Our Minds For Worship

Worshiping God is sacred. At we assemble with the church, we gather together in attempt to present our bodies a living sacrifice to a Holy God. We come before Him to worship for His goodness to us in our lives. But we also desire to feel His presence, petition Him in corporate prayer, and learn…

Segregated Worship Saddens Me

God never intended families to be segregated in worship. In fact, God disapproves of divisions in worship because Christ is not divided. Therefore, there is “neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female,” but all one in Christ. The simple analogy of the church being the “body of Christ” is enough to tell…

Simple Worship of Christ

“Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.” – Hebrews 2:12 In the Primitive Baptist Church, our worship is very simple: we preach, we sing, we pray. That simplistic worship is actually quite contrary to the complicated manner of worship that is typically…

Choosing a Church

There are various reasons that we hear people choosing churches to attend and join. Typically, the standard reasons I often hear are ‘it feels good’, ‘I like the music’, ‘it had the best programs’, and ‘our children liked it best.’ Church worship should feel good. Worship hymns should be engaging to the experience. Congregations should…

Justin Martyr on Sunday Worship

Sometimes I read accounts of Christian worship and life from the 2nd century. It’s always interesting to see how those directly after the apostles interacted in public worship. None of these saints were infallible. Some used strange language and others were influenced by Alexandrian philosophy. This should remind us to follow the Bible alone for…

How Do I Get The Most Out Of Worship?

If nothing else, the church hopper culture in our society manifests that many people feel as though they are not satisfied with their worship experience. This is understandable at times. We are all humans and fluctuate within our own Christian walk. Unfortunately, most do not react in a proper fashion to the feeling of spiritual…

Would You Still Go To Church, If?

In the gospel of John, our Savior explicitly names two problematic reasons why people followed him and solicits a third reason from his closest disciples (John 6:26,68). The first reason Jesus mentions is that people followed him because of his miracles (John 6:26). This can be broken into two subcategories. Some people followed him to…

What Do Primitive Baptists Believe About Tithing?

Primitive Baptists have by majority believed that tithing was exclusively given to the children of Israel through the Mosaic law (Leviticus 27:30-32) and not binding on New Testament (NT) believers. Hebrews were commanded to give a tithe for the purpose of supporting the Levitical priesthood. Their tithe was higher than ten percent because it comprised…

Does Your Church Have A Covenant?

Many churches of yesteryear would write a document detailing what is expected of its members. This is called a Church Covenant. Just as a Statement of Belief is a document detailing what members agree they believe, a Church Covenant details what they contract themselves to do. In essence, a covenant is what we as members…