What does it mean to ‘work out your own salvation?’

By Josh Winslett Phillippians 2:12 “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”

The Doctrines of Grace

By Josh Winslett This article is titled the Doctrines of Grace. Simply put, the doctrines of grace describes the doctrinal belief that emphasizes the complete sovereignty of God in the salvation of sinners. For the purpose of brevity we will discuss the five main points of this belief. These points can be illustrated by using…

Sufficient for all but efficient for the elect only?

By Josh Winslett The phrase “sufficient for all but efficient for the elect only” is passed around in many christian circles as a bridge between those who believe in a universal atonement and those who believe in a particular atonement. Usually this phrase is meant to qualify Christ’s sacrifice as being, in quality, of such…

Saved Through Faith

By Josh Winslett There are many Bible passages that can bring both comfort and debate among Christians. Among these verses is Ephesians 2:8. Is this verse describing regeneration? Is this verse speaking of Christ’s legal work on the cross? Is this verse saying that a person must do something to be saved? There is no small…

Paul: The Pattern

By Josh Winslett “Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.” (1 Timothy 1:16)

What does Romans 11:25 and 28 mean?

By Joshua Winslett These passages are two beautiful verses showing God’s judgment, mercy, and preserving grace. Before we can fully understand what these verses are teaching, we have to understand who they are talking about. Paul starts the context in Romans 9. Paul prays for his “kinsmen according to the flesh: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth…

Blasphemy Against the Holy Ghost

By Joshua Winslett In this article I would like to examine the concept of blaspheming the Holy Ghost as found in Matthew 12:31, Mark 3:29, and Luke 12:10. I would also like to show how this specific sin is unforgivable. Plot Summary: A group of Pharisees saw Christ casting a devil out of a man…

Paul’s Desire and Prayer

By Joshua Winslett The 10th chapter of Romans is probably one of the most quoted chapters in the entire Bible. This chapter is often called the fourth step in the “Romans Road to salvation.” This portion of the epistle revolves around Paul’s prayer for Israel. Many would interpret his prayer as a deep concern for…

Commentary on Galatians

By Joshua Winslett These commentary notes are the culmination of studies done by Joshua Winslett as he preached through the book of Galatians at Beulah Primitive Baptist Church in Leeds, AL. They are written in traditional commentary format and span the entirety of the book. The commentary includes a book introduction, book outline, chapter introductions,…