Early Testimony to the Date of Revelation

Today I found an interesting quote from Irenaeus. If you are unfamiliar with him, he was a minister not long after the time of the apostles. Many call them the apostolic Fathers or early church fathers. Irenaeus was a disciple of Polycarp. Polycarp is believed to be a disciple of the Apostle John. Here is…

Choosing a Church

There are various reasons that we hear people choosing churches to attend and join. Typically, the standard reasons I often hear are ‘it feels good’, ‘I like the music’, ‘it had the best programs’, and ‘our children liked it best.’ Church worship should feel good. Worship hymns should be engaging to the experience. Congregations should…

What Makes the Difference?

The resurrection of our Savior is the greatest proof of his divinity and complete success in saving sinners. Any person could see this sign and know that Jesus really was God manifest in the flesh. However, all did not believe even though there was irrefutable evidence. This was even true before Christ’s resurrection when he…

Parallel Between the Cross and Creation Week

In typical prophetic fashion, it makes sense that Jesus would complete his salvific work on the 6th day of the week (Friday) by saying “It is finished” and then rest in the grave all of the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday). Our savior then rose on the first day of the week (Sunday), signifying a new beginning…

What Day was Christ Crucified?

There are three basic views concerning the day that Christ was crucified. The majority view is a Friday crucifixion, commonly called Good Friday. A second view that has gained some popularity is that Christ was crucified on Wednesday. There is also a third view that blends the other views and places the crucifixion on Thursday….

Justin Martyr on Sunday Worship

Sometimes I read accounts of Christian worship and life from the 2nd century. It’s always interesting to see how those directly after the apostles interacted in public worship. None of these saints were infallible. Some used strange language and others were influenced by Alexandrian philosophy. This should remind us to follow the Bible alone for…

God is not Mocked

An interesting and sobering note from my studies today in Galatians. Paul compares the willful neglect of ministerial support while expecting continued blessing from them to mocking God (Galatians 6:6-7). The word for mocked in Greek (mukterizo) is used as a word picture for turning up a nose at one to ridicule or insult. The…

Jesus is Both the Lion and the Lamb

The Bible often uses visual word pictures to display certain characteristics, or attributes of Jesus Christ. Two word pictures used are Lamb and Lion. Jesus is called Lamb that takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29). He is said to be “brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before…

John Gill on Romans 3:22

Excellent thoughts on Romans 3:22 from John Gill’s commentary of the Bible: “Even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ, A further account is given of this righteousness: why it is called “the righteousness of God”, and in what sense revealed and manifested, see Gill on “Ro 1:17”; Here it is…