To God’s Servants

By Elder Lee Hanks The Advocate & Messenger I have felt sad many times this year, hearing of the passing of so many of God’s precious servants. so few are coming on to supply the vacancy. Are we praying the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into the vineyard? The harvest truly is…

Where Are We Drifting?

by Lee Hanks Advocate and Messenger — 1924 Where are we drifting? The church and the world seem to have a tendency to degeneracy. Where is that beautiful church clothed with humility, love, peace, fellowship, honesty, truthfulness, sobriety and with garments clad in white? The church that is the light of the world? that city…

Lordship Among The Ministry

By CH Cayce The following article was read in the meeting at Jackson, Tenn., which began on Friday before the fifth Sunday in October, 1926: Brethren, you have assigned to me a hard subject, “The baneful effect of the spirit of lordship among the ministry,” and I have had very little time to study the…

Support of the Ministry

By Walter Cash   “Even so hath the Lord ordained, that they that preach the gospel should live of the gospel.”—1Co 9:14. (The following is from an editorial which appeared in the “Messenger of Peace” August 15, 1917.) A minister who would have it in mind to serve with a selfish purpose, just for what would be…

Some Words of Advice to Primitive Baptist Ministers

By WS Craig, Kearney Nebraska From the preface to this republication: It is hard to imagine a more valuable, concise, and honest writing on the subject of the ministry than this brief work, Some Words Of Advice To Baptist Ministers, by Elder W. S. Craig. This work is truly unique. Elder Craig speaks from his heart…

An Appeal to the Ministry

By Walter Cash (The following pages are taken from my work, “Practical Suggestions for Primitive Baptists.” This work is out of print, but I have so many calls for it yet that I republish these pages here in response to the demand.) Having briefly noticed some things pertaining to pastoral work and the preaching of…

Guarantees of a Successful Ministry

By Walter Cash The ministry of the Word requires work in and out of the pulpit. Speaking to the multitude upon the grand theme of redeeming love is the ministry of the Word, but no more so than comforting the poor, trembling, enquiring child of God by speaking to him privately of the work of…

The Work of the Ministry

Sylvester Hassell The Gospel Messenger–May 1926 The work of the gospel ministry is to teach all their hearers the momentous and eternal truths of the scriptures, without adding to or taking from those divine truths, and to baptize in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, those who receive those…

The Ministry: A Microcosm of the Christian Life

By Michael Gowens “But be thou an example of the believers…” 1Ti 4:12 “In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works…” Tit 2:7 When the Lord Jesus ascended to the right hand of God the Father, He conferred gifts of public ministry upon men. {Eph 4:8} He made some men apostles. Others He…