We were blessed to have Elder Hugh Sanders fill a special appointment at Flint River last night, Monday November 25, 2019. His message, an exposition of Psalm 30, was very encouraging. You can watch it via the Marchtozion youtube channel or download it in mp3 format. MP3 version: Click here to download
Author: Marchtozion.com
Thoughts on Conversion, by Mike Ivey
By Mike Ivey In most instances, a Bible student’s understanding of conversion falls into one of two categories. Some believe conversion relates exclusively to the new birth; that in all cases conversion is an immediate and exclusive effect of regeneration. Others believe it has a number of facets or principles including conversion in the new…
Encouragement in the Lord
“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” – 1 Samuel 30:6 This verse is given to us in the aftermath of an Amalekite raid upon David…
Following the Crowd or the Righteous Remnant?
It’s a common phrase in our culture today to attempt to entice someone to engage in an illicit activity to say that “everyone is doing it”. First of all, that is a very misleading statement because whatever the activity is I can guarantee you that not everyone is doing it (except for breathing). Young people,…
Quote – Purpose of the Gospel
Below is an excerpt from The Autobiography of Elder Wilson Thompson, Chapter 26. “They denied that the preaching of the gospel had any power to convert the dead sinner, or to give him life, and declared that man in nature was dead in trespasses and sins, and that as no means could be used to give…
What’s Your Favorite Sports Team?
By Joshua Winslett Who is your favorite sports team? Did the title grab your attention? I hope it did. In my short 28 years of life I have noticed an interesting trend in American Christianity. Most Christians in the work force could easily be identified with their favorite sports team, hobby, political views, etc. Most…
How Would You Define Church?
By Benjamin Winslett Were you asked to, how would you define the Lord Jesus’ Church? I would venture to say many would define it as “a place we go to worship.” I would argue that the church is your identity, rather than a location. Let’s consider a few more definitions: The Pillar and Ground of…
Unfathomable Love
By Joshua Winslett As unfathomable as God’s love is in quality, it is equally unfathomable in quantity and duration. QualityGod’s love is the only pure and unwavering love in all of creation. God’s love suffers long and is kind. God’s love does not envy, nor does it vaunt itself. God’s love is not puffed up….
Salvation: A Summary Of The Usage Of The Word “Save” In Scripture
By Benjamin Winslett The concept of Salvation is one often over simplified and therefore misunderstood in our present day. Generally, when one reads scripture and comes across a derivative of the word “save,” the concept of spending eternity in Heaven comes to mind. While there are many occasions in the Bible where this word does…