“Absoluters” Excommunicated in 1652

The following excerpt comes from the minutes of a Baptist Church in Huntingdomshire England in the year 1652. It records the exclusion of two church members for five reasons. The fourth reason informs that these people ascribed to a view modern Primitive Baptists would call the “Absolute Predestination of All Things,” or “Absolutism” in short….

What Do Primitive Baptists Believe?

By Elder Lasserre Bradley, Jr. 1. What is the basic difference between Primitive Baptists and other religious societies? Answer: The basic difference is that Primitive Baptists believe in salvation by grace. There are really only two positions that a person can occupy on this matter. One is that salvation is by grace, and the other…

Questions and Answers by Hassell, Pittman

The answers given to the questions appearing in this book are mainly the work of that Authoritative Historian, Scholar and Editor: Elder Sylvester Hassell Copied from the “Gospel Messenger” and from the “Advocate and Messenger” Compiled by R.H. Pittman Dedication To my friends everywhere – my kindred in Christ – Lovers of God’s Eternal Truth…

Questions & Answers about Primitive Baptists

By Elder Tim McCool Pastor, Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church 12994 Boyd Road, Echola, Alabama (205) 364-1396 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. – Isa. 55:1 Q1: What is the basic…

Primitive Baptist FAQ

By Elder David Pyles, From www.pb.org Question: Why the name Primitive Baptist? Primitive Baptist ancestors have been called by various names over the ages. The name Primitive Baptist became popular in the early 1800s when the term primitive conveyed the idea of originality rather than backwardness. Accordingly, Primitive Baptists claim to maintain the doctrines and practices of…

PB Introduction and Overview Brochure

This brochure gives an introduction overview to the Primitive Baptist Church; salvation, history, practice, evangelism, local church, by Norvel Mann. Printing information: Print front and back on opposite sides of same paper. Best paper: Normal copy paper. Click here for free PDF download

Five Phases of Salvation-Doctrines of Grace Card

This card contains both “The Five Phases of Salvation” and “The Doctrines of Grace.” It fits perfectly in a bible cover! Printing information: Print front and back on opposite sides of same paper.Best paper: Card Stock paperAdditional Information: After printing you will have to cut the the paper in half and trim additional excess paper from the bottom….

What Did Jesus Do Brochure

This brochure describes the finished work of Jesus Christ and it’s effect on every elect individual. Printing information: Print front and back on opposite sides of same paper. Best paper: Normal copy paper Click here for free PDF download

Articles of Faith Card

This card contains the Articles of Faith as stated in our Statement of Faith. It has scriptural references and fits perfectly in a bible cover! Printing information: Print only on one side of a piece of paper.Best paper: Card Stock paperAdditional Information: After printing you will have to cut the the paper in half and trim additional excess paper…