The day before Jesus’ arrest was a whirlwind with Passover, preaching, warnings, words of encouragement, exposing/acknowledging a false prophet, instituting the ordinance of Communion, washing His disciples’ feet, and then an all night effort of prayer. Join us for this message on the final evening prior to the crucifixion.
How is Jesus the Only Begotten?
Jesus’ title as God’s “only begotten Son” is as historic as the New Testament itself, and is common language used in commentaries, sermons, creeds and confessions all through church history. However, in recent years, so-called New Testament Greek experts and bible translators have attempted, in vain, to redefine that as something else. In this broadcast,…
His Appointed Time
From selected scriptures, Pastor Winslett speaks to the fact that the Christ not only was born into the world at an appointed time, but He died for the sins of His people at an appointed time as well.
A Word of Comfort from John Chapter 6, Part 2
Why do some people love Jesus but others reject Him? Is there certainty in salvation? How are people drawn to Christ? Continuing the message we began last week, we come to the climax of Jesus’ public sermon in John chapter 6, with powerful and clear teaching on each of these crucial matters. As a personal…
Reconciled on the Cross
To reconcile means to “to resolve or settle a difference.” Through sin, humans are enemies and alienated from God’s presence and blessings and without reconciliation, we would have no hope in standing before God after death, certain judgment awaiting. But praise God, He sent His Son into the world to die for our sins, saving…
A Word of Comfort from John Chapter 6, Part 1
This weekend’s episode of Words of Grace featured part 1 of a message from John chapter 6 entitled A Word of Comfort. To believers in Sovereign Grace, John chapter 6 is a beloved passage. From it, we learn truths about Jesus as our source of spiritual sustenance as the Bread of Life, as well as…
The Great Head of the Church
The Lord Jesus Christ, God’s incarnate Son, is the great head of the church. In today’s message, we discuss what headship means as well as three ways to visualize the Body of Christ, the Church.
The Real Christ, from Colossians Chapter 1 (Sermon)
History is filled with people who diminished the awesome grandeur and divinity of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Who is He? Tune in to this week’s message to learn the truth about our great God from the scriptures. Col 1:15 KJV – Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every…
The Last Words of David
This past weekend, we concluded our series on the life of King David, considering a passage of scripture which refers to itself as his last words. Though the meaning of that label is debated, – either as his last words under inspiration or his actual final words spoken – the message of these words is…