This 2024 series on the Words of Grace radio broadcast delves into the profound “In Christ” statements found throughout the New Testament. Each episode explores specific passages, offering insights into the believer’s identity, purpose, and the transformative power of being “In Christ.” Join Ben Winslett as he journeys through the scriptures, uncovering the depth and…
The Gift of Faith | Ernie Stump
Two years ago today, a dear friend and faithful minister, Ernie Stump, went home to be with the Lord. I intended to share this message of his shortly after his passing in 2023 but neglected to do so. There are many plans I have had for this website that I never carry out due to…
Gospel Freedom Docuseries
He Shall Save Media has produced a four part docuseries contrasting the truth of grace with popular notions of salvation, such as decisional regeneration and Lordship salvation. These are to be released in two weeks intervals, with the first episode’s launch today. This project was spearheaded by Josh Coker, pastor of Vestavia Primitive Baptist Church,…
Latest Video
The more recent Shorts, clips, and full length sermons from
Radio Series on Escatology
In recent weeks, I conducted a three part series on eschatology, sometimes focusing on lesser emphasized truths among our people. Topics we briefly considered included: views of the millennium, the loosing of Satan, Gog and Magog, the Man of Sin, the Mystery of Iniquity, the Day of the Lord, the resurrection, the destruction of the…
Biblical Languages: Is It Proper To Make Use Of Them?
By Robert Adam That may seem like an odd question. It certainly does to me. When I began preaching in July of 2008, I never would have thought to consider such a question. After all, I knew well then that the Bible was not originally written in English. In fact, English didn’t exist in any…
New Station for Words of Grace
We’re very excited to announce that Words of Grace will be airing on a new station in a new market! Beginning October 29, 2022, we will be broadcasting on WXCJ, a Birmingham station covering a giant geographical area of north Alabama including several larger cities, including Birmingham, Cullman, Huntsville, Jasper, Tuscaloosa, and Gadsden. The program…
New Psalter Set To Common Tunes
Wouldn’t it be great to know the hymns you’re singing are always sound and right, all the time? Fortunately, when you’re singing from the Psalms, that’s always the case. To fill that need, we present to you a new Psalter. A Primitive Baptist Psalter is the work of Elder Joseph Holder and is intended to…
The Dread of Gethsemane
As we draw one week closer to Easter Sunday, we continue our series on the events immediately before, during, and after the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we want to slow down a bit and join Jesus and three of His disciples in a very sad and dreadful moment in the Garden of…