Comments on Ephesians is a Bible commentary by Elder Harold Hunt. From the introduction, “There is probably not another book in the Bible that provides such a broad base of Bible doctrine, and practical instruction, in such a short space as the book of Ephesians does. In the first three chapters he lays a solid doctrinal foundation. He deals with election and predestination, with adoption and redemption, with depravity and irresistible grace. He deals with the Jews and Gentiles, with the Law Service and the gospel day, with prophecy and fulfillment, with the identity and preservation of the church. And having laid a firm doctrinal foundation, he spends the next three chapters spelling out the way every child of God ought to live.” Harold Hunt is a Primitive Baptist pastor and author. He has authored many published titles, including Comments on Galatians, Comments on Philippians, The Lost History of Calvinism, The London Confession, and Which System is