God’s Word to Jeremiah

The book of Jeremiah is a sad, dark commentary on the years of wicked, rebellious living among the nations of Israel and Judah. At the same time, Jeremiah’s writings are alarming, being prophetic of God’s upcoming judgment of His physical people for their behavior. As he writes to them, it is revealed that certain doom…

Christian Revivals

Christian revivals generally have not come through positive thinking, trendiness, political movements, or Jesus flavored motivational speeches. Even social change itself has not been a catalyst for religious revival. A gospel centered revival usually brings social change, not the other way around. With this said, revivals have generally come through humble Bible based, God honoring…

Confession of Sins

“Bring forth fruits meet for repentance.” (Matt. 3:8) John the Baptist is baptizing out in the wilderness many persons from Jerusalem, all Judea, and the surrounding regions in this passage. Those who have presented themselves to John for baptism came “confessing their sins” (Matt. 3:6).  Confession should be an integral part of the baptism experience for the believer…