This 2024 series on the Words of Grace radio broadcast delves into the profound “In Christ” statements found throughout the New Testament. Each episode explores specific passages, offering insights into the believer’s identity, purpose, and the transformative power of being “In Christ.” Join Ben Winslett as he journeys through the scriptures, uncovering the depth and…
Tag: Church
Identity Crisis
Sometimes churches of various denominations have an identity crisis of sorts. You see this in America today, as many Baptist congregations want to drop the word Baptist from their name, but retain the identity as a baptistic congregation. The thought is the name is unpopular, so growth can be achieved by changing the name on…
What We Miss
Over the past two weekends on Words of Grace, we have been focusing on the blessing of God’s house. Specifically, why we ought to obey God and attend worship each week but also the great blessing of experiencing His presence as we gather. Church attendance in America is at an all time low. What better…
The Great Head of the Church
The Lord Jesus Christ, God’s incarnate Son, is the great head of the church. In today’s message, we discuss what headship means as well as three ways to visualize the Body of Christ, the Church.
The Real Christ, from Colossians Chapter 1 (Sermon)
History is filled with people who diminished the awesome grandeur and divinity of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Who is He? Tune in to this week’s message to learn the truth about our great God from the scriptures. Col 1:15 KJV – Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every…
I Am the Church
I had dinner with a good friend a few weeks ago and as we were leaving she asked me a question that she said I should meditate on, a question that was presented to her at church that day. The question was this: “If [our] church were to close, would the community notice?” As I…
The Youth Are Craving Simplicity
The Youth Are Craving Simplicity: An Unchanging God Expects Unchanged Biblical Worship in an Ever Changing World “I desired Titus, and with him I sent a brother. Did Titus make a gain of you? walked we not in the same spirit? walked we not in the same steps?” 2 Corinthians 12:18 Growing up in the Primitive Baptist Church I always…
God’s Concern
Lately at Flint River, I have been attempting to preach through the book of Daniel. It’s been encouraging, in that Daniel is a book of one deliverance in the face of persecution after another. It also speaks to the Divine inspiration of scripture, in that God discloses the reality of the next three world empires…
How Would You Define Church?
By Benjamin Winslett Were you asked to, how would you define the Lord Jesus’ Church? I would venture to say many would define it as “a place we go to worship.” I would argue that the church is your identity, rather than a location. Let’s consider a few more definitions: The Pillar and Ground of…