Historical Reference on Church Responses to Epidemics

Interesting historical note. In the early 20th century, Flint River took a break during the flu outbreaks. I also found a historical notes that they took brief hiatuses during small pox outbreaks, when the Flint River flooded, and even due to Union occupation during the Civil War. Should things get dangerous out there (and we’re…

Is God Impressed?

When the disciples commented on the amazing architecture of Herod’s Temple, Jesus wasn’t so impressed (Mth 24:1-2). In fact, His reply was to inform them that not one stone of that structure would be left standing after God sent His judgment on Jerusalem, a judgment that would come in the siege of General Titus in…

Segregated Worship Saddens Me

God never intended families to be segregated in worship. In fact, God disapproves of divisions in worship because Christ is not divided. Therefore, there is “neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female,” but all one in Christ. The simple analogy of the church being the “body of Christ” is enough to tell…


“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” – Romans 12:15 As a part of Christian life, we’re called on by God to practice empathy. That is to say, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. As Paul wrote, we mourn with them that mourn and rejoice with…

Psalm 1 – The Way of the Righteous Vs. The Way of the Ungodly

Psalm 1 contrasts for us two paths of life: the way of the righteous versus the way of the ungodly. This chapter describes the characteristics of both ways, and then concludes with the end for each course of life. The way of the righteous is known by the Lord; the righteous have intimate fellowship and…

A Brief Note on Annointing

Studying through 1 John presently on the radio brought to mind some interesting facts about the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. John uses the word “anointing” with reference to the work of the Spirit. In the Old Testament, anointing had two purposes: Priests were anointed to ceremonially prepare them for their ministerial…

Psalm 30 | Hugh Sanders

We were blessed to have Elder Hugh Sanders fill a special appointment at Flint River last night, Monday November 25, 2019. His message, an exposition of Psalm 30, was very encouraging. You can watch it via the Marchtozion youtube channel or download it in mp3 format. MP3 version: Click here to download

Faith: Miracles and Belief

Is there a direct correlation between miracles and belief? In other words, do miracles performed by Christians guarantee that unbelievers will believe in Jesus Christ? This dynamic was recently posed to me in discussion. Without consideration of the ongoing debate concerning apostolic gifts, let’s seek to answer this question. First, there are many case studies…

Rainbows in the Rearview Mirror

Last week I was on the road for four days traveling for work and church in Tennessee. I was sick most of the week so it had not been the most fun trip overall. As I was beginning my return trip, after driving through a stiff rain and pretty strong winds for quite a few…