This 2024 series on the Words of Grace radio broadcast delves into the profound “In Christ” statements found throughout the New Testament. Each episode explores specific passages, offering insights into the believer’s identity, purpose, and the transformative power of being “In Christ.” Join Ben Winslett as he journeys through the scriptures, uncovering the depth and…
Category: Blog
The Gift of Faith | Ernie Stump
Two years ago today, a dear friend and faithful minister, Ernie Stump, went home to be with the Lord. I intended to share this message of his shortly after his passing in 2023 but neglected to do so. There are many plans I have had for this website that I never carry out due to…
Gospel Freedom Docuseries
He Shall Save Media has produced a four part docuseries contrasting the truth of grace with popular notions of salvation, such as decisional regeneration and Lordship salvation. These are to be released in two weeks intervals, with the first episode’s launch today. This project was spearheaded by Josh Coker, pastor of Vestavia Primitive Baptist Church,…
Mixtures of Joy & Sorrow
As we move towards the conclusion of yet another year and reflect upon the last twelve months, most likely we can say along with the hymnwriter, “mixtures of joy and sorrow I daily do pass through.” As we reflect and take inventory of the last year, I hope we can see the happy, joyful moments…
Horrible Meme about King David
For the record, I keep seeing this post comparing King David to a certain political figure in the USA. I’m not commenting on the political figure or politics. But the post attempts, very grossly, to compare David’s state when he was appointed as king to this political figure’s character failures. It asserts that David was…
Identity Crisis
Sometimes churches of various denominations have an identity crisis of sorts. You see this in America today, as many Baptist congregations want to drop the word Baptist from their name, but retain the identity as a baptistic congregation. The thought is the name is unpopular, so growth can be achieved by changing the name on…
Stuck in the Middle with You
When both sides call you names, you might be on solid ground. What do I mean by that? Well, here are some examples. Example 1: To an absoluter, anyone less than an absoluter is a deist. To a deist, everyone more than a deist is an absoluter. If one person is called a deist by…
For This Child I Prayed: A Pastor’s Counsel to Couples Trying to Conceive
The struggle of couples trying to conceive and have children is one of the most difficult seasons of life and marriage. When we might see others around us conceiving much easier, it is hard to not let unfulfillment, jealousy, and bitterness creep into our mind. We know that we are supposed to be content in…
In Every Thing Give Thanks
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thess. 5:18) It seems each year as we arrive in late November approaching the Thanksgiving holiday, I am convicted of how much I have taken for granted and not given appropriate thanksgiving for God’s blessings in my life….