Primitive Baptists And The 20th Century

By Joe Hildreth The 20th century was not kind to us when we consider our testimony and our numbers. Even as the population of America increased greatly, the number of our churches and our membership sadly declined, possibly near 50%. Many churches have closed and I am afraid this will continue for some years to…

Biography Of Elder Wilson Thompson

The following biography of Elder Wilson Thompson is found in History Of The Church Of God, From The Creation To A.D. 1885; by Cushing Biggs and Sylvester Hassell. Elder Wilson Thompson (1788-1866), a native of Hillsborough, Kentucky, is regarded as the ablest Primitive Baptist minister that ever lived in the United States. There was in…

What is the Problem with Fullerism

By Joseph R Holder Aside from Primitive Baptists, few are the numbers of Christian groups in our day who do not in one way or another subscribe to the teachings of Andrew Fuller.  Who was Andrew Fuller?  What did Fuller teach?  Why do we object to his teachings? Andrew Fuller was born in 1754 and…

A Brief History of Christian Sunday Schools

By Hulan Bass Compiled by: Hulan F. Bass (elder) SUNDAY SCHOOLS                 Brief Outline of the History of:                                           1.  PROTO-TYPE:Robert Raikes of Gloucester, England, was the founder of SUNDAY SCHOOLS in 1781, by teaching the poorer class of   children on SUNDAYS in the “Rudiments of a Common School Education”, and NOT in instructions in the THEOLOGY of…

Quotes from non-Baptists on Baptist succession

By Joshua Winslett A brief compilation of quotes about Baptist succession from some non-Baptists. From Lutheran historian Johann Lorenz Mosheim: “The true origin of that sect which acquired the denomination of Anabaptists by their administering anew the rite of baptism to those who came over to their communion, and derived that of Mennonites from the…

First recorded instance found of the name “Primitive Baptist”

By Vince Hardy The first instance I have found of the use of the name “Primitive Baptist” occurred October 3, 1835 with the publication of the “Prospectus” edition of a new Old Baptist periodical bearing the name “The Primitive Baptist.” The first instance I have found of a person calling himself a “Primitive Baptist” was…

Absolutism: What Does It Really Teach?

By Harold Hunt The following is a quote from Elder R.H. Pittman’s little book of Questions and Answers. “What is Absolutism? A. It is an erroneous and strained view of the doctrine of predestination. Its advocates teach that God absolutely predestinated all things that come to pass, both good and evil; that what is going on…

Refuting the Hollow Log Doctrine

By Bernard Gowens In yesteryear, a doctrine existed that sometimes plagued the Old Baptists in certain areas of the country. This belief was referred to as the Hollow Log Doctrine. The scenario is that a rabbit runs into a hollow log and out the other end. This rabbit that runs in and out of the…

A Summary of the Kings of Israel and Judah

By Hulen Chambers At the following link is a three page summary of all the kings of Judah and Israel respectively in the order which they reigned as king. Of the kings of Judah, 8 were said to have been good with the remaining 12 (including their only queen) being evil. Sadly, all of the…