By Wayne Crocker Many denominations practice open communions of one form or another. Some make communion available to any and all who wish to participate. Others place some restrictions, but still allow those of other denominations to join with them in the service. Primitive Baptists are sometimes criticized for our practice of closed communion. We…
What Kills Churches?
By Eddy Flick For my own profit I have gathered these scriptures. It may not be a complete so if you know of any other NT churches in the scriptures please let me know. But to the question at hand: We all have seen in our lifetimes the demise of churches. It is sad, and…
Baptist Associations
By Sylvester Hassell MADISONVILLE, TEXAS, July 8, 1897 DEAR BRO. HASSELL: After in such agitation of the associational question here, the following agreement was reached at our last meeting, Elders Dubose, Taylor and White being present: That, doing away within the Ebenezer Association, we re-adopt the following declaration of its preamble of principles as the…
The Case For Close Communion
By David Pyles Via There are various views in the denominational world concerning what is proper participation in a communion service. Some believe it should consist only of members of the local church. This view seems overly restrictive to me, but I recognize the right of any church to have such a policy and…
A Note on Rebaptism to the Prospective Primitive Baptist
By David PylesVia Some potential converts to the Primitive Baptists have difficulty understanding their policy of rebaptizing all who come to them from other orders. This ancient practice of Primitive Baptists has many points in its defense. I attempt to present some of them in what follows, and wish particularly to address the most…
Primitive Baptists And Hyper-Calvinism
I have noticed a troubling movement among Fullerite Calvinists to redefine Hyper-Calvinism as being any viewpoint which rejects their view on the atonement* and duty faith (including many traditional 5-point Calvinists and other Predestinarians). Thus, a common attack against Primitive Baptists in recent years has been that we are Hyper-Calvinists. Many mainstream Fullerite Calvinists have made…
Family Integrated Worship
By Joshua Winslett When people first glance at our worship service they will notice that we have family integrated worship. That is to mean that all ages, from newborn to retiree, worship in a non-segregated fashion. To me, this is a very intimate family activity. Nonetheless, we have to ask ourselves; why do we practice…
The Deaconship
Editors Note: Elder Walter Cash was a man of his time. In this article he defines the office of a Deacon from the biblical perspective. For brevity’s sake, contained in this article is text of the first three paragraphs. >>>DOWNLOAD PDF OF ARTICLE HERE<<<< THE DEACONSHIP, by Walter Cash No authority questions it being apostolic…
Implications of the Greek Term Psallo for Church Music
By David Pyles Though musical instruments are never mentioned in the Bible as being part of New Testament worship, many justify their use in the modern church by saying they are implicitly authorized by a Greek word used in connection with singing in the New Testament. We believe this argument is invalid, and we undertake…