Transcribed from a sermon preached on Romans chapter 1 by Elder David Pyles in 2005.
Thoughts on “Infant Salvation”
By David Wise I wrote this article in response to a brother who questioned the scriptural validity of the salvation of infants. I understand that this is a sensitive and sometimes controversial issue among believers – even among Primitive Baptists. I have tried to consider both sides of the issue in a balanced manner to…
Reconciliation of the Resurrection Accounts
By David Pyles
Comments on Matthew 25:31-46
By Josh Winslett
70 Weeks of Daniel Timeline
By Josh Winslett
The Error of Denying the Incarnation of Christ
By Sylvester Hassell The Gospel Messenger–June 1894 Hardly less mysterious and incomprehensible by our finite minds is the doctrine of the Incarnation of the Son of God, His manifestation in human nature, than the doctrine of the Divine Trinity; but no fact is more clearly revealed, in the Scriptures, to our faith, than the real…
The Genealogy Of Christ
By Sylvester Hassell The Gospel Messenger–August 1890 Having been specially requested to prepare an article on this interesting and important subject, I have just re-investigated the whole matter as thoroughly as I could, and will proceed to give the results of my inquiries.
The Doctrine Of Election
By Sylvester Hassell
A Dissertation Concerning The Eternal Sonship of Christ, Shewing By Whom It Has Been Denied And Opposed, and By Whom Asserted And Defended In All Ages Of Christianity.
By John Gill The eternal Sonship of Christ, or that he is the Son of God by eternal generation, or that he was the Son of God before he was the son of Mary, even from all eternity, which is denied by the Socinians, and others akin, to them, was known by the saints under…